Saturday, July 11, 2009

Queen Anne's Lace?

The above photo is an example of the toxic weed I'm writing about below.

While at the park, we saw what might be a giant patch of Queen Anne's Lace, or it might be something else.  I am going to use this page to go by without the children after work to identify it.

It reminded me of  a recent effort the Region of Waterloo is making to warn citizens about a new invasive plant that has begun to establish itself in the area.  This new plant looks like Queen Anne's Lace, but is extremely dangerous to anyone who touches it.  If you are weary of going near poison ivy, you definately will want to watch out for this one!

The three photos below are of the plant near our park, just by the pond.  Further below I will post an example and links to other photos and more info.

Here is a link to a photo gallery containing examples of this invasive plant, called Giant Hogweed.  What happens if you or your children or you pets touch it?  Your skill will become highly sensitive to the UV effects of the sun -  meaning severe burns and blisters, possible hospitalization.  Ever wanted to know what it feels like to be a vampire in the sunlight?  This plant will give you an idea, but I wouldn't suggest trying it.

Want more info?  Here is a quote from another noxious weeds website, "A public health hazard, hogweed's clear, watery sap has toxins that cause photo-dermatitis. Skin contact followed by exposure to sunlight produces painful, burning blisters that may develop into purplish or blackened scars."

Please be careful if you see this plant, and contact the City officials to have it removed.